Production, Casting and Talent Agents

Manage all your talent in one location

Collect talent profiles in your own database

Publish and Invite to auditions

Assess and make decisions

Share with clients and production teams

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Talent Managers & Casting Directors

Make your casting calls a breeze

Casting Projects

Projects contain everything required for managing your production casting calls. Roles, team members, questions and audition rounds.

Talent Database

Create your own private talent database that you can enrich with every application and assessment. Provide your talent with a professional portal to self manage their profiles and applications.

Assessment and Decisioning

Capture detailed or summary ratings against skills and roles. Make decisions against one or multiple roles at once and easily review the assessment of your casting team members. 

Collaboration Tools

Provide transparency to talent by creating standard notification templates. Communicate in bulk or through targeted messaging. Collaborate with other casting team members online and seamlessly get approvals for cast lists from production managers.

How it Works

01  Create your Project

Projects can represent one off or ongoing productions. Start by identifying the specific roles you need to fill for your project. Clearly outline the skills and qualifications required for each role. This will help attract suitable candidates.

Assemble a team responsible for the casting process. These team members will assist in reviewing applications, conducting auditions, and selecting talent for the production.

Prepare the questions that you want to ask candidates for the auditions. These questions should help assess their suitability for the production and their fit with the desired roles.

Decide on the format for auditions. Set up auditions exclusively for internal team members, invite-only auditions, or open casting calls accessible to a broader audience.


02  Publish and Invite

Once your project is created you can then publish the project to start accepting talent applications. Talent can be added directly by casting team members, invited to apply or be open for any talent to apply through the talent portal.

Every talent profile is managed within a rich private talent database which contains information about the talent and their full history across all auditions and rated skills.

Talent can be searched and invited to productions which ensures the casting team do not have to start from scratch every time they start a new audition.  

03  Assess and Collaborate

As talent apply for the audition round quickly scan talent using simple “hover and play” functionality. Open profiles to reveal details about the talent including their full profile, submitted media, their answers to questions, roles applied for and previous skill ratings by casting team members.

Quickly select the roles you believe the talent is suitable for, rate their skills and collaborate with other team members and even with the talent themselves.

Make decisions and either use templated messages or update feedback to talent so they have a view on why they have or have not been selected. 

04  Share and Approve

Once talent have been selected or “Called back” either move them to the next audition round or share the selected cast with production managers and other client representatives for their review.

No more distribution of PDF’s or emails. Everything is managed within JamarGig. This allows you to control access to private information as well as have an audit of reviews and approvals.

Production team members can review talent profile information then approve or reject selected talent against the roles they have been selected for by the casting lead.

You can then export the cast list or integrate to external systems using api’s.

Your Own Talent Portal

Provide a delightful branded experience.

Personal profile

Talent can create and keep updated their personal profile. Include custom fields for them to complete and give them the ability to have their own personal media library.

Talent can even create a calendar of their availability.

Transparent updates

Talent will be able to view the progress of their application including the decision of each audition once the audition round is closed.

Receive notifications and even collaborate with casting using chat if enabled.

Audition invitations & submission

Talent can search, view and apply for both open and invited auditions. Submit media from their library and apply for multiple roles within one simple application. Answer questions related to the role(s) and even save as draft so they can come back later.

Branded & mobile 

The personally branded talent portal has been designed for performers who are on the go. Optimised for mobile using the latest progressive web app technology that can even be installed on their Apple or Android device. Even upload media directly from their device media library or straight from the camera.

Some of our Features

Private Talent Database

Capture all your talents information including media, skills, appearance, measurements and much more. Best of all talent get their own talent portal where they can keep everything up to date. Then search for talent based on their profile or history to instantly narrow down lists, send messages or invite to auditions with a click of a button.


Send notifications to talent either in bulk or individually to provide updates, invite to auditions or even provide automated decision notifications. All notifications can be templated to save time and automatically personalise the message.


As part of your auditions create exportable reports based on cast lists, audition analytics and audition round results. You can even break down analytics based on gender, ethnicity so you have a view of the diversity of your auditions.

Transparent Updates

Provide a great experience for your talent by providing transparent updates of the progress of their application. Whether it has been successfully submitted, being assessed or if a decision has been made. With no effort from casting talent know where they stand. Most importantly updates are only provided once decisions are finalised.

Secure and Auditable

Keep all information including private talent profile data, messages, assessments, audition reels and more centrally secure. Keep an audit history of all interactions with talent and casting team members.

Native Media Support

Natively support video media, images, PDF documents and sound files. Also support VIMEO and YouTube links. All media is natively viewed within the application using native viewers, so no more downloading and using separate applications.


Create one off or long term projects. Projects can be as simple or as complex as required. Define team members, audition rounds, roles, questions to be asked and more. When you are ready publish for your talent to apply.


Every audition has roles that can be applied for or recommend for by the casting team. Define the skills required for each role and which team members you want to assess for each role. Talent can then apply for multiple roles in a single application saving time for casting and talent. Automatically assess talent against the skills or the role itself.

Branded Experience

We believe the branded experience with your talent should be about you not us. That is why you can brand both the talent and the casting portal using your own colors, logos and imagery in a few clicks. 

Collaborative Chat*

Directly create chat sessions with both casting and talent. Share information and collaborate in real time on talent regardless where you are. Communicate with talent, request additional information, including media files and any media files uploaded in chat are automatically stored within the talent’s profile.

Skills Assessments

Build a complete picture of your talents skills through assessments. The platform allows you to conduct ad-hoc assessments or assessment of skills related to roles as the talent move through auditions.

Audition Questions

With each audition configure which questions you would like talent to answer. Ask different questions depending on the audition round  and the roles the talent is applying. Create all sorts of questions including simple text, multi-choice, and even requests for specific types of media such as audition reels, profile photos and resumes.

Audition Rounds

Create private, public or invitation only audition rounds. Select team members who can assess the round and when the round is accepting submissions or conducting assessment. Automatically notify casting team members once assessment begins and when rounds close. 

Share cast lists

Once your auditions have completed, create your cast list and select the talent for each role and send the cast list for the production team or end client to review and approve. Keep things secure by ensuring only reviewers who have been assigned to the cast list can see and approve casted talent.

Templated Messaging

Create templated message to save time but also ensure messages to talent and casting team members are personalised. Need something even more personalised? No problem, also have the option to individually personalise each message before it goes out while still leveraging merge tags to automatically merge in the talent’s name, projects, roles and more.

Want to learn more?

We would love to discuss your challenges and how JamarGig can transform the way you manage casting.